Dev Log

By cyberpuffin, 14 September, 2023

One of the main goals of Accessible Sudoku has been to make Sudoku accessible to all.  It's right there in the title.

The biggest, and first, step towards Accessibility was the theming system.  By allowing the player to adjust their theme (font, sizes, and colors) they could choose what was easiest and most aesthetically appealing to them.

By cyberpuffin, 16 August, 2023

With apologies to my family from our northern neighbor for resorting to linguistic stereotypes, but I promise there's a deeper reason beyond teasing mom.

Accessible Sudoku and Language

Language was not the first thing that I thought of when choosing to add as many accessibility features as would fit into Accessible Sudoku.  During the process of pushing v0.2.0 to the Android Play Store for the first public release, however, a choice had to be made for which region to target distribution.

By cyberpuffin, 9 July, 2023

Over the past week or so I've been digging through and reorganizing how the Config and Database are structured.

As an example, the autoload script had grown to be over 2,000 lines.  While there are arguably more lines in the code-base for splitting it out and defining classes, the base config file is much cleaner and functions now have a dedicated script to live in.